Showing 2072 results

Archival description
$90 worth of Edmonton
$90 worth of Edmonton
100-year-old "walking spinning wheel" belonging to Mrs. D. C. Raitt.
100-year-old "walking spinning wheel" belonging to Mrs. D. C. Raitt.
13 Young Ladies in Uniform
13 Young Ladies in Uniform
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Alice Fowler, bronze champion at 16 years of age.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Alice Fowler, bronze champion at 16 years of age.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Lorraine Fowler.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Lorraine Fowler.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Lorraine Fowler.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Lorraine Fowler.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Mrs. Ken Saunders (runner-up in the silver division) shaking hands with Paddy Arnold (silver division champion).
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament: Mrs. Ken Saunders (runner-up in the silver division) shaking hands with Paddy Arnold (silver division champion).
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament, Paddy Arnold, silver division champion.
13th annual Alberta women's golf tournament, Paddy Arnold, silver division champion.
1906 at Fort Saskatchewan Edmonton Teachers
1906 at Fort Saskatchewan Edmonton Teachers
1947 Senior Ladies Fastball League: action shot of Isabel Whitley (left) and Merrie Mercer (right).
1947 Senior Ladies Fastball League: action shot of Isabel Whitley (left) and Merrie Mercer (right).