- Aerial view of entrance of Kiwanis Place (10440 - 120 Street), taken from the 14th floor.
- Note: compare with EA-784-605 and EA-784-876.
Under pedway across 101 Street at City Centre Mall.
- Includes gazebo and partial of front garden at Kiwanis Place.
- Note: compare with EA-784-874.
Aerial view taken looking directly down to intersection at 103 Avenue and 120 Street; includes partial of Peace Garden Park and the gazebo in the front garden of Kiwanis Place (10330 - 120 Street).
Aerial view taken from 104 Avenue and 120 Street looking directly down at intersection; includes homes (10315 and 10311 - 120 Street, Cedar Village (10305 - 120 Street), Peace Garden Park and the gazebo in the front garden of Kiwanis Place (10330 - 120 St
Aerial view taken from 104 Avenue and 120 Street looking directly down at intersection; includes homes (10315 and 10311 - 120 Street), Cedar Village (10305 - 120 Street), Peace Garden Park and the gazebo in the front garden of Kiwanis Place (10330 - 120 S
- Includes partial of Peace Garden Park.
- Note: compare with EA-784-875
Includes Cedar Village, Arbour Park low-rises and townhouse along 103 Avenue.
Shovelling snow; looking south on 120 Street (at 103 Avenue); Edmonton Academy is in the background.
Shovelling snow; looking south on 120 Street (at 103 Avenue); Edmonton Academy is in the background.