Back row (l to r): Kate Macrae, Elsie Bennie, J. Percy Page, Gladys Fry.
Front row (l to r): Margaret MacBurney, Mildred McCormack, Mae Brown.
Back row (l to r): Kate Macrae, Elsie Bennie, J. Percy Page, Gladys Fry.
Front row (l to r): Mae Brown, Mildred McCormack, Joan Johnston, Margaret MacBurney
Back row (l to r): Kate Macrae, Elsie Bennie, J. Percy Page, Gladys Fry.
Front row (l to r): Margaret MacBurney, Mildred McCormack, Mae Brown.
Front row on ground (l to r): Mrs. B. Douglas and son, Mrs. G. Parney, Mildred McCormack, Betty Ross, Evelyn Coulson, Dot Johnson and daughter.
Seated behind (l to r): Mrs. Michaels, Mrs. B. Thompson, Pat Page.
Centre, facing camera - Kate Macrae.
Betty-Ann Sherlock (Dot Johnson's daughter), Frank Drayton.
L to R: Betty-Ann Sherlock (Dot Johnson's daughter), Frank Drayton.
Nellie Perry, Mary Dunn, Evelyn Coulson.
Gladys Fry presenting Harry Wilson (from Chicago team) with gift.
L to R: ? (child), Jean Williamson Quilley, Millie McCormack Wilkie.